About Us

About Us

Bangladesh India Mediators Forum (BIMF) was established on 22nd October, 2020 and inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Imman Ali, Most Senior Judge, Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Dhaka. BIMF is the first forum between the neighboring nations promoted by legal experts to promote peaceful relationship by Alternate (Additional) Dispute Resolution Mechanism (ADR) for mutual resolution for cross border conflicts, water sharing disputes, land and maritime boundary disputes, geopolitical disputes, human rights conflicts, medico-legal conflicts, techno-commercial and contractual disputes.

BIMF functions in coordination with Bangladesh International Mediation Society (BIMS). At global level BIMF collaborates with its sister organizations Bangladesh Mediators Forum (BMF); Dhaka Washington Mediators Forum (DWMF); Dhaka Spanish Mediators Forum (DSMF); Africa Asia Mediation Association (AAMA); Dhaka Berlin Mediators Forum (DBMF) and with Nepal, Vietnam, Srilanka and Japan Mediators Forum. BIMF secretariat is temporarily located at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and share offices of its members in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta.

BIMF is dedicated to promote the practice of ADR through quality education, training and development of professionals from India and Bangladesh, thereafter to reach out across the globe by collaborating with its sister organizations. BIMF works with all the stakeholders for sustained economic growth by avoiding disputes by creating awareness and networking with all stakeholders and ADR practicing professionals of both the nations in particular and globally with assistance of its sister organizations.

BIMF is a “think tank” that endeavors to serve as a platform between the nations and collaborate with other sister organizations in developing sustainable capacity building and goals to bring all the stakeholders on a common platform to resolve disputes for development of projects and flow of investments.

BIMF adopts the training standards to promulgate the convention and legal framework and highlight importance and significance of ADR mediation training requirement for mediators as they should be also equally good in human relations, human management, de-stress stressful situation of judiciary loaded with cases and to have legal acumen and knowledge.

BIMF is launched to act as “think-tank” for improving the state of law relating to institutional and private dispute resolution by land and maritime border sharing nations and to achieve primarily sustainable goal to “Promote Peaceful Cross Border Existence of the Neighboring Nations” and to promote seamless commerce and industry between the nations; assist the commercial organizations in fast settlement of disputes; promote education and research amongst the countries; establish empanel of ADR professionals and practitioners both from legal and subject experts of both the nations in particular and from worldwide; train and certify mediators and conduct Continuous Performance Development of certified mediators.

Our Mission

1. To promote adoption of mediation for resolution of disputes.
2. To set and achieve high standards of practice of Mediation at national and international level.
3. To impart quality and high standards of training for parties, representatives and mediators.
4. To empower value of peaceful amicable settlement via Mediation between stakeholders.
5. To develop recognized and accepted mode of Mediation and conciliation to resolve disputes within timeframe and cost effective manner for easy to access justice. and
6. To collaborate with international organizations, societies, institutions, forum and associations.

Our Vision

To Nurture peaceful society by promoting Mediation as preferred mode for dispute resolution at all sectors of the society. To provide a safe environment to educate, empower and facilitate creative thinking to foster amicable resolution of disputes and easy access to justice with trained mediators.

Core Values

1.    To establish forum as Centre of Excellence for Mediation and build consensus between Bangladesh and India.
2.    To establish institutionalized mechanism in Mediation for resolution of disputes  at the pre and post litigation stages.
3.    To establish, develop and maintain institute(s) in Mediation or related subjects and to get it affiliated / recognized with any Multiversity / Ecoversity in the Country or abroad or to have its own Multiversity / Ecoversity.
4.    To impart training in Mediation and related subjects.
5.    To create composite platform for Mediators to facilitate excellency programs towards improve standards and skills of mediation.
6.    To offer memberships as student, young mediators, expert membership, yearly membership, life time membership etc.
7.    To provide fellowships, scholarships, grant-in-aid etc. to societies or individuals to hold seminars and conferences, and for the publication of books, monographs, journals, proceedings of conferences as well as establish prizes and medals in recognition of merit.
8.    To help parties resolve their disputes amicably, economically and timely.
9.    To empower communities and individuals with strength, skills and resources to express and resolve their conflicts peacefully and within  their culture and environment and to increase social harmony.
10.    To train the public, trainers and others for the purpose of creating a experts in Mediation.
11.    To provide skill based trainings to enhance the skills of the existing trained neutrals to improve their standards and expertise.
12.    To award certificates,  diplomas and post graduate diplomas and other distinctions to the trained  neutrals and the referring judges depending upon the type of training and courses undertaken by them and also the success rate of referring judges and  neutrals.
13.    To conduct workshops, conferences, training programs with national and international experts for mediation.
14.    To establish procedures for smooth functioning of the forum in carrying out activities in matters relating to personnel, finance, administration, purchases and management of centres. libraries, lecture halls, auditorium, hostels etc.. and
15.    To do all such other lawful acts and things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the forum.